Palisades Zoysia
Dark green in color, Palisades Zoysia is a vegetatively produced, medium-broad textured, high-density turf noted for its shade tolerance and low water-use requirements. Developed by Texas A&M University to withstand drought, Palisades has proven itself to be an excellent choice for low-maintenance landscapes. With its low light requirements, Palisades has also proven itself useful when addressing shady areas in the landscape. Palisades Zoysia is an ideal choice for residential and commercial sites throughout South Carolina.
Palisades Zoysia has a medium texture leaf which stands upright similar to tall fescue. This upright growth allows for mowing heights from 3″ down to 1/2″ for applications such as golf tee boxes. Due to the aggressive rhizomes of this variety, it will thrive in a wide variety of soil profiles found throughout the Carolinas and Georgia. Palisades is suitable from full sun to partial shade.
Heat Tolerance
How much heat can the grass endure?
Cold Tolerance
How much cold can the grass endure?
Drought Tolerance
How quickly will the grass recover once it experiences drought?
Drought Recovery
How quickly will the grass recover once it experiences drought?
Shade Tolerance
How much shade can the grass endure?
Disease/Insect Resistant
How resistant is the grass to insects and disease?
Wear Resistance
How resistant is the grass to normal usage?
Wear Recovery
How quickly will the grass repair itself?